
Before You Read the Gospels
Before you read the Gospels, here's our starter guide to knowing each gospel narrative's timeline, genre, and purpose. They all point to the person and power of Christ crucified!

Judges Overview + Outline
Most of us think of Judge Judy when we think of a judge. However, Scripture shows a different role in the judges throughout the Old Testament: men and women sent by God to deliver His people from their enemies. Read through this overview and outline to get an overarching understanding of the book of Judges!

Joshua Overview + Outline
Get the ins and outs of Joshua with this blog—complete with an overview of the overarching themes in this book of the Bible!

Understanding the Historical Books of the Bible
The historical and prophetic books of the Bible tend to be the area we tend to skip over in our Bible reading! However, every page points to the coming Messiah, Christ Jesus! This blog will help you study Scripture as a middle school or high school girl!

Deuteronomy Overview + Outline
Get the ins and outs of Deuteronomy with this blog—complete with an overview of the overarching themes in this last book in the Pentateuch!

Numbers Overview + Outline
Get the ins and outs of Numbers with this blog—complete with an overview of the overarching themes in this fourth book of the Bible!

Leviticus Overview + Outline
Get the ins and outs of Leviticus with this blog—complete with an overview of the overarching themes in this third book of the Bible!

Exodus Overview + Outline
Get the ins and outs of Exodus with this blog—complete with an overview of the overarching themes in this second book of the Bible!

Genesis Overview + Outline
Get the ins and outs of Genesis with this blog—complete with an overview of the overarching themes in this first book of the Bible!

FOR THE GIRL Who Gets Confused in the Pentateuch
Do you ever get confused when reading Leviticus, Numbers, or Deuteronomy? You are not alone! This blog dives into the first five books of the Bible, also known as the Pentateuch. Read along to get a better understanding of the overarching timeline and themes throughout Genesis through Deuteronomy!

God’s Definition of Gender, Marriage, and Sex
God’s design of gender, marriage, and sex are in question today. Therefore, believers need to be reminded of God’s definition of these topics outlined in Genesis and affirmed throughout Scripture!

FOR THE TEEN GIRL Who Wants To Study Scripture in the New Year
Regardless of where you are currently in your desire and discipline to read God's Word, here are four reminders for the girl who wants to study Scripture more in the new year!

7 Tips to Share the Gospel
Despite our call to tell our friends, family, or fast food cashier the gospel, it can seem overwhelming and intimidating. If you desire to live as a follower of Jesus, here are seven tips to help you better communicate the gospel to those around you!

Gospel of Luke Overview: Podcast Notes
Read a condensed version of our podcast notes for Ep. 5: Gospel of Luke Overview

Color Coding Scripture Cheat Sheet
Have you ever wondered how to not only read Scripture but study it? Our Minted Truth Color Code PDF helps you highlight important information in a passage. As a result, it illuminates truths regarding the Lord, His Word, and yourself. Get your copy now by entering your name and email below. After submitting your information, a link will immediately direct you to download the PDF. Happy studying!

How to Locate a Passage of Scripture
Want to know how to locate a passage of Scripture? Consider this your step-by-step guide!